CEREC Crowns

Yes, you can get a CEREC dental crown in just one visit to our Nashua dental office.

We know that our patients lead busy lives, so it can often be difficult to take time out of their schedules to see us for routine cleanings let alone further dental treatments. But if you need to get a dental crown this isn’t something you should put off. Damaged teeth may become worse if left untreated. But our Nashua, NH dentist  is making it easier to get the crown you need without having to come to our office multiple times. Find out what makes getting CEREC crowns so ideal.

CEREC crowns are designed to look just like regular dental crowns except they come with some added benefits that traditional crowns do not. For one, instead of having to wait for us to send your impressions to a dental lab to make your crown, which can take up to a week or more to complete, we can make it right here in our office. This means that you won’t have to wear that flimsy temporary crown anymore. You’ll come into our office to get a dental crown and leave with a beautiful new CEREC restoration. It’s really that simple!

Another benefit is that when it comes to taking impressions of your teeth many patients dislike the feel of the messy molds in their mouth. For patients with a sensitive gag reflex, this can be the hardest part. Fortunately, with our state-of-the-art CEREC technology those messy molds are now a thing of the past.

We can take better more accurate measurements of the damaged tooth with our CEREC camera, which will snap photos and immediately upload them to our computer. With a tiny camera that can capture more precise images than standard impressions, this ultimately means a CEREC crown that offers a superior fit.

Once the images are up on our computer we can use the CAD software to design a crown that will look natural and blend right in with the rest of your smile. Once the design process is done we will turn to the CAM technology to start making your crown. We have a milling machine right here that will take the measurements we give it and from a porcelain block make your new crown. This whole process happens while you wait.

So, you may be thinking that there are a lot of steps to getting a CEREC crown so you’ll be sitting here waiting forever. Not so fast! The whole process, from the time we start to the time the crown is cemented over your tooth, only takes about one hour. A new restoration in one hour—now that’s pretty incredible!

If you are looking to get CEREC dental crowns in Nashua, NH then it’s time you called us to schedule your next appointment. Let us improve your oral health with our amazing CEREC technology.