Dental Implants,Restorative Dentistry

Your whole smile changes the second you lose a tooth. Luckily, tooth loss doesn’t have to alter your smile permanently. Nashua, NH, dentist  discusses why it’s important to replace your missing tooth and explains how dental implants can help.

Why should I replace the tooth?

There’s no doubt that replacing a missing tooth can be a little costly, but failing to restore your smile can be even more expensive in the long run. If you’ve lost a molar, you might think that you’ll just chew on the other side of your mouth. Chewing exclusively on one side increases the wear and tear on teeth on that side. Those teeth will be more susceptible to cracking on that side, and your risk for cavities may even increase. A lost tooth can also weaken your jawbone and cause your remaining teeth to drift. You might also suffer bite issues, due to shifting teeth.

Why is a dental implant a good option?

Bridges and dentures restore your smile above the gum line, but they don’t address the loss of your tooth roots. If you don’t replace the roots, you will still experience jawbone loss and you may find it more difficult to chew, due to reduced biting power. Dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that offers root replacement.

How does the dental implant process work?

Before you receive an implant, you’ll visit Dr. LaRoque’s Nashua office for a complete examination. In most cases, you’ll be a good candidate for an implant if you’re in good oral and general health, don’t have a disease that affects healing, practice good oral hygiene, don’t smoke and have good jawbone depth.

You’ll need minor surgery to create an opening in your jawbone that will hold the dental implant. The implant is a small post that will eventually support a crown. After the implant is placed in the bone, your gums will be closed over it. Over the next several months, the post will begin to fuse to the bone. When your new implant is firmly rooted in your jawbone, you’ll return to Dr. LaRoque’s office to be fitted for a crown that will be attached to the implant.

Don’t let a lost tooth diminish your smile. Call Nashua, NH, dentist at (603) 883-6010 to schedule an appointment to discuss dental implants.