Zoom Bleaching

At Pearl Dental Associates, Dr. Farshad Pezeshki helps patients get to their ideal smile with cosmetic dentistry in Nashua, NH. We offer Zoom teeth bleaching to help you get to a brighter, whiter smile. Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, and a nice bright smile always makes a great impression. Invest in professional treatment and get the whiter smile you’ve always wanted!

Cosmetic dentist in Nashua, NH

Teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic service requested at our practice. Lots of things can contribute to stains on your teeth, like smoking and certain beverages. With Zoom bleaching, you can brighten your smile up to several shades in a single appointment. Present your best smile and boost your confidence with Zoom!

Zoom bleaching

When you get teeth whitening at your cosmetic dentist in Nashua, NH, your gums are protected first. The whitening gel is then applied to the surfaces of the teeth and activated with a special light. More gel may be reapplied during the treatment for maximum effect. A typical whitening appointment takes about an hour and can whiten your smile several shades.

Maintaining your smile

Once you have a bright white boost to your smile, take great care of your teeth to maintain the shade. Your dentist will recommend brushing for two minutes twice a day and flossing at least once a day. Certain beverages like coffee, tea, and wine can stain your teeth, so enjoy these occasionally and with water so your teeth get rinsed at the same time. Smoking leads to staining and your dentist will always recommend quitting smoking to prevent oral cancer.

Dr. Farshad Pezeshki and Pearl Dental Associates are here to help you present your best smile. Treat yourself to a Zoom whitening appointment and put your best smile forward! Contact us for an appointment in Nashua, NH, at (603) 883-6010.