Restorative Dentistry

Has tooth loss impacted how you look and feel about yourself? is your oral function less than satisfactory? Would you like to close your smile gaps? If so, see our dentist in Nashua, NH for dental implants. Strong, long-lasting, realistic and versatile, these tooth replacements recreate smiles so well, you’ll forget you ever had a problem.

The finest artificial tooth

Made up of a titanium root inserted into the jaw, a metal alloy extension post and customized porcelain crown, the dental implant functions just like a real tooth, and to the everyday observer, it resembles one as well.

According to the American Dental Association, dentists across the United States place about five million dental implants annually. Of this number, most will stay in place and function for decades.

The reason for their success is a process called osseointegration. When the dentist places the implant screw, immediately the jaw bone starts to meld to it. Conventional dentures and bridgework just rest on top of the gums, often slipping and shifting because they are not integrated with the jaw.

Getting an implant

Many people qualify for dental implants. We ensures a patient’s suitability by performing a complete oral exam and taking X-rays. The jaw bone must be dense enough to support the implant device. If the bone is weak, the dentist may add donor bone or other augmentation material to build up the jaw.

To proceed with the treatment, the dentist uses a local anesthetic to numb the area. Then, he opens the gums and creates an opening in the bone. He inserts the implant device and sutures the area closed. Healing takes several weeks to months but ensures the implant is firmly integrated into the bone.

During the return visit, we reopens the site and bonds the abutment and crown in place. Now this marvelous tooth replacement is complete.

Keeping it viable

Over ninety-five percent of implant procedures succeed. However, to keep an implant strong and the site healthy, the patient must brush twice a day and floss daily to keep tartar and plaque from accumulating. Check-ups and cleanings every six months with the dentist helps maintain it, too.

Also, if you smoke, try to quit with a monitored tobacco cessation program through your primary care physician. Cigarette smoke degrades the gums and bone around implant sites and may cause failure of the device.

Other uses

Dental implants anchor bridgework and partial and full dentures, too. So if have extensive tooth loss, implant-supported prosthetics may be your solution.

Smile, smile, smile

You can when you close those gaps with dental implants from our dentist in Nashua, NH. Call 603-883-6010 for a consultation, and get all your questions answered by the experts in state-of-the-art dentistry.