Crowns and Bridges

Find out how this procedure can improve the overall shape and appearance of your smile. 

A gummy smile refers to smiles in which teeth are covered by excess gum tissue. To reveal more of the teeth and to improve the symmetry between the gums and the teeth, our Nashua, NJ, dentist Dr. Farshad Pezeshki may recommend a popular cosmetic dentistry treatment known as crown lengthening.

What does crown lengthening entail? 

No, we aren’t actually going to lengthen your natural teeth but we will certainly make it seem like we did. In actuality, we will simply remove the excess gum tissue to reveal more tooth structure that’s hiding underneath the gums. This will not only reshape and improve the appearance of the gums but also give you a more symmetrical and balanced smile.

When is crown lengthening recommended? 

There are several reasons our Nashua, NH, dental team may recommend this cosmetic and restorative dentistry. Besides improving the overall look and appearance of your smile, we may also recommend crown lengthening if,

  • You have dental damage or decay that lies under the gum line
  • You need a dental crown but there isn’t enough visible tooth structure to fully support the restoration

By removing excess gum tissue to place a dental crown, we ensure that there is enough structure to support and hold the crown firmly in place so that it doesn’t fall off. It will also make it easier to thoroughly clean all areas of the crown to remove plaque and bacteria.

What goes into getting crown lengthening? 

The procedure itself typically takes about one hour and is performed right here at our practice under the trusted skills of Dr. Pezeshki and his team. The procedure may take more or less time, depending on how much gum tissue needs to be removed. Once the local anesthesia has numbed the area, we will make a couple of very small incisions in the gum tissue to separate the gums from the teeth.

From there, we can remove the extra tissue and also reshape the gums to reveal more of your teeth and to make sure everything looks even. In some cases, a little bone may also need to be removed. Once the procedure is complete, we will stitch up the gums and a bandage will be placed over the area to protect against infection. You’ll come back into the office in about two weeks to have the stitches removed and to make sure the gums are healing properly.

If you are interested in crown lengthening or the other cosmetic dentistry treatment options Dr. Pezeshki and his team at Pearl Dental Associates offer in Nashua, NH, then call our practice today at (603) 883-6010 to schedule a no-risk consultation.