
Choosing the right tooth replacement option isn’t always easy. Fortunately, our dentist, Dr. Farshad Pezeshki of Pearl Dental Associates in Nashua, NH, can talk to you about your needs, lifestyle, and budget to help you decide the best option for replacing your missing teeth. If you are interested in undergoing denture treatment, our dental team will work with you to find the right kind based on your needs.

Here are the different types of dentures:

Full dentures: As if the name didn’t already give it away, this oral prosthetic is created to replace a full set of teeth, whether that be the top row, bottom row, or both. Full dentures contain a complete set of teeth that sit on a gum-tissue-resembling acrylic base that sits right on top of the gums.

If you are missing some teeth but still have some healthy ones remaining, then this dental prosthetic can be used to fill the gaps in your smile with natural-looking false teeth. These dentures can either be removable or fixed in place. Removable partial dentures use clasps that go around natural teeth in order to hold them in place. Conversely, fixed partial dentures use dental crowns that are cemented into place over strong natural teeth that are surrounding the gap in your smile.

Our Nashua dentist knows that you don’t want to be without teeth while your mouth heals from a tooth extraction, which is why he offers immediate dentures. Although they aren’t meant to replace your missing teeth for good, this dental prosthetic can be worn while your mouth heals so you still have teeth in the interim. Your dentist will tell you how long your immediate dentures can be worn.

If you are concerned about slipping dentures or if you are currently dealing with this issue, then you may be wondering if there is a solution for this besides denture adhesives. Good news—there is! Dental implants can be placed along the jaws to hold your dentures in place without letting them shift or move around.

Implant-supported dentures are a bit different from traditional dental implants, with the placement process usually being faster in comparison and only requiring a few additional dental visits in order to attach your dentures. If you are a denture wearer, we can usually use your current dentures with implants.

Interested? Give Us a Call

If you have questions about dentures and want to get more information, contact the dental professionals here at Pearl Dental Associates in Nashua, NH. We’ve helped countless patients restore their smiles and we can help you too when you dial 603-883-6010.